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Coffee House 2015 Recap

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

On Friday, October 23, performers and audience members gathered at Brennan Hall - located at 81 St. Mary Street on the University of Toronto campus - to entertain and be entertained. The annual Trek for Teens Coffee House, a pay-what-you-can event, raised over $200 through donations and the sales of Trek for Teens shirts, toques, and buttons. A handful of eclectic performers, ranging from soloists to guitarists to a keyboardist, performed over the course of the evening and helped to support homeless youth initiatives with their respective talents. One of the appeals of a coffee house is that individuals may pass through the location, stop upon hearing some music, and decide to stay for two minutes or two hours. Due to the excellent skills of the event's singers and musicians, the outing maintained a sizable and appreciative crowd throughout the evening.

Trek for Teens would like to thank all performers and audience members for their time. In addition, a special thank you to photographers Atul Singh and Vivian Che for their volunteer services.

While the Coffee House has come and gone, there are still several opportunities to showcase your musical talents! Register to perform at one of the upcoming Trek for Teens concerts; you and/or your group could be selected to perform on the big stage at Nathan Phillips Square during Trek for Teens Day!

For more information about the first concert of the year, as well as how you can sign up, head to our Concerts Page.

For photos of the event, click here.


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