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St. Michael's College 2015 Orientation Recap

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

Trek for Teens was very honoured to be the charity of focus for the 2015 Orientation Week at the University of Toronto's St. Michael's College. Throughout the four days of Frosh, Trek for Teens members stationed themselves around SMC campus to speak with others about the cause, sell items and collect donations, and answer questions posed by participants or leaders. The organization made a presentation on the morning of Wednesday, September 9th to further introduce both itself and the cause of youth homelessness; the oration was followed by the Challenge for Charity event in which Frosh groups situated themselves around Toronto streets and raised funds by singing, dancing, cheering, telling jokes, or simply asking passerby for a small donation after explaining the activity.

In the afternoon, Trek for Teens opened up a booth during the SMC Clubs Fair. Frosh participants and leaders traveled between stations to learn about many of the groups offered through St. Michael's College and, as the Fair was in motion at the same time, even had a chance to win prizes during the Trek for Teens carnival basketball game Hoops for the Homeless.

The Trek for Teens activities continued into the evening, as well. A free salsa lesson was offered to anyone interested in learning some dance techniques - the large turnout resulted in a sizable portion of the Frosh staff leaving that night having acquired new moves and appreciation for salsa.

Throughout the week, one of the checkpoint locations of the SMC Quest was the Trek for Teens booth in the Brennan Hall front foyer. The aforementioned booth was also open throughout the entirety of the week to speak with others and accept donations.

At the conclusion of Orientation Week, Trek for Teens had raised $1500 in funds and over $3000 in food, hygiene, and clothing donations!

Trek for Teens would like to thank all members of SMC Frosh for their enthusiasm and support. In addition, the organization would like to congratulate the organization team of the 2015 St. Michael's College Orientation Week for its very successful outing.

For more information on Orientation Week, head to the Facebook page here.


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