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Trek for Teens Ryerson Club

Trek for Teens has expanded! The recently-formed Ryerson Trek for Teens Club focuses on raising funds and awareness for homeless youth in the Ryerson community. The entirety of the club's actions are performed by members of Ryerson University; each event is intentionally designed to be conducive to student-organization interaction. The Ryerson Club Executive consists of the following members:

  • President: Victoria Cellucci

  • Executive: Nick Alberelli

  • Executive: Nicole Dice

  • Executive: Anthea Li

The club plans to draw on the unique skills and talents of its students, particularly those in the Fashion and Film programs of the school, to support the Trek for Teens Foundation in its endeavours. The club is assisting with The Trek for Teens Fashion Show in May, organizing a Film Festival at the end of February, hosting a Board Game Cafe event for March, and will be running its own fashion-focused event in the Fall.

If you are interested in getting involved with the Ryerson club, contact Victoria Cellucci. For more information on how to start a club at your school, email us today!


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